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Probiotics Market

Published Date : Jun 2024 | Forecast Year : 2019

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Probiotics Market Size, Share, Industry Trends, Segmentation Analysis By Type (Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Yeasts, Others) By Application (Dietary Supplements, Functional Foods, Medical Foods, Infant Formula, Animal Feed, Others) Growth, Demand, And Forecast 2024-2032

Report ID: AG408

Published : Jun 2024

Pages : 155

Category : Food & Beverages

Format : Probiotics Market

MARKET SIZE (2032)USD 135 billion
MARKET SIZE (2023)USD 69 billion
CAGR (2023-2029)%
BY TYPELactobacillus
BY APPLICATIONDietary Supplements
Functional Foods
Medical Foods
Infant Formula
Animal Feed
GEOGRAPHIC ANALYSISNorth America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa
KEY PLAYERSDanone, Nestlé, Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., Chr. Hansen Holding A/S, Probi AB, Lallemand Inc., Kerry Group, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Biogaia AB, Bayer AG, DSM Nutritional Products, Bio-K+ International Inc., Ganeden, Inc., Nebraska Cultures, Probiotics International Ltd., Yakult USA, BioGaia AB, Probi AB, Mother Dairy, General Mills.


Probiotics Market has become a key segment of the broader health and wellness industry. Probiotics, live microorganisms known for their potential health effects, have received considerable attention worldwide. They are increasingly recognized for their role in promoting digestive health, supporting immune function and potentially influencing mental well-being. Growing consumer interest in natural health solutions and preventative treatment has led to significant growth in the probiotics market. This growth is fueled by evolving dietary preferences, increased awareness of gut health and ongoing research showing new potential benefits of probiotics. In addition to traditional dietary supplements, probiotics are now incorporated into many products, including health foods, beverages, skin care products, and animal feed. This versatility reflects their expanding applications and underscores their versatility to meet the diverse needs of consumers.

Market overview:

The probiotics industry, with a value of USD 69 billion in 2023, is set to experience significant growth, with estimates projecting a rise to USD 135 billion by 2032. This growth is underpinned by a strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.63% from 2024 to 2032. Probiotics, known for their potential health benefits, are live microorganisms that have gained widespread acceptance among consumers worldwide. Factors contributing to the expansion of the market include a growing awareness among consumers of the connection between gut health and overall well-being, as well as an increasing interest in natural health remedies. Probiotics are primarily consumed for their ability to promote digestive health and boost immune function, with emerging studies indicating potential benefits for mental health and skin conditions. As demand rises, manufacturers are focusing on developing new strains and formulations that prioritize effectiveness and safety to meet regulatory requirements. Simultaneously, healthcare professionals and regulatory bodies are working on establishing guidelines to ensure transparency and quality in probiotic products, shaping the future direction of the market in response to changing consumer preferences and scientific advancements.

Probiotics Market

Size, by Product, - (USD Billion)





Other Products

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

The Market will Grow

At the CAGR of:


The Forecast Market

Size for in USD:

$135 billionB


Key players:

  1. Danone
  2. Nestlé
  3. Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
  4. Chr. Hansen Holding A/S
  5. Probi AB
  6. Lallemand Inc.
  7. Kerry Group
  8. DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
  9. Biogaia AB
  10. Bayer AG
  11. DSM Nutritional Products
  12. Bio-K+ International Inc.
  13. Ganeden, Inc.
  14. Nebraska Cultures
  15. Probiotics International Ltd.
  16. Yakult USA
  17. BioGaia AB
  18. Probi AB
  19. Mother Dairy
  20. General Mills

Probiotics Market

Share, by end user, (USD Billion)

Analytica Global 69 billion%





Other End-Users


135 billion

Total Market Size

USD (Billion),




Market segmentation:

By Type:

Lactobacillus: Lactobacillus species are among the most commonly used probiotics. They are known for their ability to produce lactic acid, which helps maintain an acidic environment in the digestive system, supporting gut health.

Common strains include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, etc.

Bifidobacterium: Bifidobacterium species are another major group of probiotics. They are predominant in the lower intestine and help digest fiber, produce certain vitamins, and promote overall gut health.

Examples include Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, etc.

Yeasts: Certain yeasts, particularly Saccharomyces boulardii, are used as probiotics. They have been studied for their potential to prevent and treat various gastrointestinal disorders.

Others: This category includes less common probiotic strains such as Streptococcus, Bacillus, and other bacteria that have shown beneficial effects on health.

Research continues to explore their specific applications and benefits.

By Application:

Dietary Supplements: Probiotics are widely consumed as dietary supplements in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, or liquids.

They are chosen for their convenience and targeted health benefits, such as digestive support or immune enhancement.

Functional Foods: Probiotics are increasingly incorporated into functional foods like yogurt, kefir, fermented vegetables, and other products.

These foods offer probiotic benefits alongside nutritional value, appealing to health-conscious consumers.

Medical Foods: Certain probiotic formulations are used as medical foods, specifically designed to manage or treat medical conditions under healthcare supervision.

Examples include probiotics for managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or supporting gut health during antibiotic therapy.

Infant Formula: Probiotics are added to infant formula to mimic the natural probiotics found in breast milk, aiming to support digestive health and immune development in infants.

Animal Feed: Probiotics are utilized in animal feed to improve gut health, digestion, and overall well-being in livestock, poultry, and pets.

They may enhance nutrient absorption and reduce the need for antibiotics in animal agriculture.

Others: Probiotics find applications in various sectors such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and even in environmental remediation.

Their use in cosmetics is linked to potential skin health benefits, while in pharmaceuticals, probiotics are explored for targeted health interventions beyond gut health.

By End User:

Adults: Probiotics are widely consumed by adults seeking to maintain or improve digestive health, boost immunity, or support overall wellness.

Children: Probiotics are used for children to support immune function, manage digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation, and promote healthy growth.

Infants: Probiotics may be recommended for infants, particularly those born via C-section or those experiencing colic, to establish a healthy gut microbiota.

Animals: Probiotics are administered to animals to improve gut health, immune function, and overall productivity in agricultural and pet care settings.

By Distribution Channel:

Supermarkets/Hypermarkets: Probiotic products are widely available in retail chains, offering convenience and accessibility to a broad consumer base.

Online Retail: Increasingly popular, online platforms provide a wide selection of probiotic supplements and products, catering to global markets.

Pharmacies/Health Stores: Pharmacies and specialized health stores offer probiotics alongside other health supplements, providing expert advice and targeted products.

Others: Direct sales, convenience stores, and specialty outlets also play roles in distributing probiotics, catering to specific consumer preferences and needs.

Probiotics Market

Size, by Product, - (USD Billion)


The Market will Grow

At the CAGR of:


The Forecast Market

Size for in USD:

$135 billionB


Recent Developments:

12/06/2024 Danone, DMC, Michelin and Crédit Agricole Centre France join forces to create a cutting-edge biotechnology platform

MAY 21, 2024 Nestlé introduces Vital Pursuit brand to support GLP-1 users in the US

Regional Analysis:

North America: A mature market with high consumer awareness and a wide range of probiotic products across various applications.

Europe: Strong demand for probiotics in functional foods and dietary supplements, driven by health-conscious consumers and regulatory support.

Asia Pacific: Rapidly growing market fueled by increasing health awareness, urbanization, and dietary shifts towards functional foods and supplements.

Latin America: Emerging market with rising disposable incomes, driving demand for probiotics in dietary supplements and functional foods.

Middle East & Africa: Growing awareness of health benefits associated with probiotics, leading to increased adoption in dietary supplements and fortified foods.

Market growth factors:

Growing Awareness of Health Benefits: Growing consumer awareness of the importance of gut health and the benefits of probiotics. As people become more health conscious, they are looking

for products that contain probiotics to support digestion, immunity and overall well-being.

Trends in Preventive Health Care. There is a growing emphasis on preventive health care as people look for ways to stay healthy and prevent illnesses before they occur. Probiotics are considered a natural and effective strategy to improve digestive health, strengthen the immune system and maintain general well-being, which increases its appeal in the market.

Technological Advances and Research: Continued scientific research and technological breakthroughs drive probiotic innovation, resulting in the development of new strains, dosage forms and delivery systems. A better understanding of the gut microbiota and its health implications will facilitate the development of more targeted and effective probiotic solutions, leading to market expansion.

Expansion of the functional sector of food and beverages: The increase of the functional sector of food and beverages is another important factor. Probiotics are quickly being used in many products besides yogurt and supplements, such as drinks, snacks and even cosmetics. This expansion expands the market for probiotics and makes them more accessible to consumers looking for simple health solutions.

Market trends:

Expansion of the Functional Food and Beverage Sector: The market for probiotics has experienced significant growth with their incorporation into a wide variety of functional foods and beverages, ranging from yogurt and kefir to probiotic-rich beverages, snacks, and beauty products. Manufacturers are capitalizing on the health benefits of probiotics to cater to consumers' demand for convenient and health-promoting products.

Innovations in Research and Development: Progress in research and development has resulted in the identification of new probiotic strains that offer improved efficacy and stability. Furthermore, advancements in formulation and delivery systems have broadened the potential applications of probiotics beyond traditional dietary supplements and fermented foods.

Focus on personalized nutrition and microbiome health: With a growing understanding of the unique microbial composition of the gut, there is a shift towards personalized nutritional approaches that consider the diversity of the gut microbiome. This shift has prompted the development of probiotics tailored to specific health requirements.

Growing demand for dairy-free probiotics: The popularity of dairy-free probiotics is on the rise within the probiotic market. While dairy-based probiotics like yogurt have been favored for many years, an increasing number of consumers are seeking dairy-free alternatives due to lactose intolerance, milk allergies, or lifestyle choices such as veganism.

Probiotics Market TO (USD BN)

Probiotics Market



Probiotics Market

Analytica Global 135 billion%

Market Opportunities:

The increasing demand for probiotics reflects consumers' preference for products that offer established health benefits.

Probiotics have been found to have a positive impact on health, leading to higher consumer expectations for these products.

There is a growing trend of seeking safe, natural, and cost-effective alternatives to pharmaceuticals, which has prompted the exploration of probiotics as potential pharmaceutical agents.

The effectiveness of probiotics in this context depends on the specific strain and dosage used.

Clinical trials have shown that probiotics have the potential to treat various human disorders, particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

Market Restraints:

Ensuring probiotic viability throughout the production and consumption process poses a significant challenge for manufacturers, particularly for products with extended shelf life or that require refrigeration.

Manufacturers face difficulties in meeting stringent regulatory requirements and effectively conveying the benefits and characteristics of probiotic products to customers, especially in the absence of globally agreed standards.

The selection of appropriate probiotic strains that have demonstrated efficacy in providing specific health benefits is crucial but complex. With thousands of bacterial strains identified, extensive research and clinical validation are necessary to determine the most beneficial ones for treating specific health conditions.

Consumer education plays a vital role in dispelling misconceptions and promoting informed decision-making regarding probiotics. Despite increased awareness of their health benefits, many individuals lack knowledge about how probiotics function, proper usage, and potential interactions with medications or other health issues.

Probiotics Market - Global Outlook & Forecast 2024-2029

Analytica Global
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License Type

Single User

US$ 3350

Multi User

US$ 4950

Corporate User

US$ 6950

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