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Canned Food Market

Published Date : Jun 2024 | Forecast Year : 2019

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Canned Food Market size, share & trends covers analysis By Product Type (Fruits, Vegetables, Meat and Poultry, Seafood, Soups and Broths), by application (Retail, Foodservice, Industrial use and Commercial Use) Growth, demand, Regional Outlook, and Forecast 2024-2032.

Report ID: AG218

Published : Jun 2024

Pages : 154

Category : Food & Beverages

Format : Canned Food Market

MARKET SIZE (2032)USD 108.40 Billion
MARKET SIZE (2024)USD 89.04 Billion
CAGR (2023-2029)4.04%
Meat and Poultry
Soups and Broths
Industrial use and Commercial Use
GEOGRAPHIC ANALYSISNorth America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa
KEY PLAYERSAyam Sarl, Bonduelle, Campbell Soup Company, CHB Group, Danish Crown AmbA, Del Monte Foods Inc., JBS S.A., Nestlé S.A, Princes Foods (Mitsubishi Corporation), Thai Union Group PCL, The Bolton Group, The Kraft Heinz Company.


Canning is a way to preserve food for longer using airtight containers. The canning process varies from product to product, but generally involves three steps - handling, sealing, and heating the cans to kill harmful bacteria and prevent spoilage. Commonly used canned foods are fruits, vegetables, beans, soups, meat and seafood. The main advantage of canned goods is cheap, convenient transport and longer shelf life. Recently, the consumption of canned goods has increased, especially among working people, because canned goods require less time to prepare, provide a nutrient-rich diet and have a longer shelf life. With urbanization and changing lifestyles, there has been a shift to convenient food choices.

Canned Food Market

Size, by Product, - (USD Billion)



Meat and Poultry

Soups and Broths

Other Products

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

The Market will Grow

At the CAGR of:


The Forecast Market

Size for in USD:

$108.40 BillionB


Global Canned Food Market Size was estimated at USD 89.04 Billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 108.40 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.04% during the forecast period (2024-2032).

As more and more people are looking for convenient foods, canned foods are a convenient solution. Canned food provides a quick and easy solution for busy people who don't have time to cook or prepare meals from scratch. Growing demand for processed foods is primarily driving the demand for canned goods in India due to various factors such as changing lifestyles, increasing disposable income and preference for convenience foods. The Indian population has become more aware of the importance of food safety in recent years, especially after several high-profile food contamination incidents. Canned foods offer a safer option because they are handled and sealed in a sterile environment, reducing the risk of contamination.

Market Overview:

The rise of the canned food market will be fueled by advertising initiatives similar to these, in addition to growing awareness about the positive effects of consuming canned food items on one's health. Canning is a method of preserving food that entails processing it and then sealing it in an airtight container (jars such as Mason jars and steel and tin cans). This form of food preservation is also known as "putting food by." Home canning is an option for those interested. The process of canning enhances the shelf life of food for anywhere between one and five years; however, there are some conditions under which this can be significantly prolonged for a longer period.

The shelf life of a product that has been freeze-dried and subsequently canned, such as lentils that have been dried and canned, can reach up to thirty years without losing its ability to be consumed. Cans of food that were recovered from the wreck of the Bertrand in 1974 were subjected to testing by the National Food Processors Association. 

Market Trends:

Convenience and shelf life

One of the primary factors driving the canned food market is the inherent convenience and extended shelf life offered by these products. Canned foods provide consumers with quick and easy meal solutions, requiring minimal preparation time. The sealed, airtight packaging ensures a longer shelf life, preserving the nutritional content of the food and reducing food waste. This convenience aligns with the busy lifestyles of modern consumers, making canned foods a popular choice for those seeking efficient and time-saving meal options. The ability to stock up on non-perishable canned goods also appeals to consumers for emergency preparedness and long-term storage.

Changing consumer lifestyles

Evolving consumer lifestyles, characterized by busier schedules, increased urbanization, and a growing emphasis on on-the-go eating, significantly contribute to the growth of the canned food market. The demand for ready-to-eat meals has surged as consumers seek convenient alternatives that require minimal cooking or preparation. Canned foods cater to this need, providing a diverse range of products, including soups, vegetables, fruits, and proteins, that align with the changing dietary habits and preferences of a fast-paced society.

Innovation in product offerings

Ongoing innovation in canned food products plays a pivotal role in driving market growth. Manufacturers are continually introducing new flavors, formulations, and packaging options to cater to diverse consumer preferences. The development of organic and premium canned goods addresses the increasing demand for healthier and high-quality food options. Moreover, technological advancements in canning processes, such as improved preservation techniques and sustainable packaging solutions, contribute to the market's dynamism. As consumer tastes evolve and awareness of sustainability increases, the industry's commitment to innovation ensures that canned food remains a relevant and adaptable choice for a broad spectrum of consumers.

Market Driving Factors:

  • Convenience and Accessibility
  • Extended Shelf Life
  • Nutritional Value
  • Affordability
  • Versatility in Cooking
  • Sustainability and Food Security
  • Global Market Expansion

Market Restraining Factors:

Perception and Stereotypes: One of the main factors holding back the canned goods market is the perception and stereotypes associated with canned goods. Some consumers consider canned goods inferior in terms of quality, taste and nutritional value to fresh or homemade alternatives. Overcoming these perceptions and educating consumers about the benefits of canned food can be a challenge for manufacturers and retailers.

Health Concerns: Despite the nutritional benefits of canned goods, some consumers are concerned about the health effects of canned goods, especially additives, preservatives and BPA (bisphenol A) in cans. While many manufacturers have taken steps to address these issues by offering BPA-free options and clean labels, health-conscious consumers may still be wary of canned goods.

Environmental impacts: The canning industry is under scrutiny for its environmental impacts, particularly regarding packaging materials and production processes. Although cans are recyclable, the extraction and production of aluminum and steel can have a significant environmental impact, such as resource depletion, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. Manufacturers are under pressure to improve sustainability practices and reduce their carbon footprint throughout the supply chain.

Competition from fresh and frozen foods: Canned foods compete with fresh and frozen foods in the market, which is a challenge for manufacturers and retailers. Fresh produce is often considered healthier and more natural, while frozen produce offers convenience and fewer additives compared to canned produce. Manufacturers must differentiate canned foods through innovation, quality and value to compete effectively in the marketplace.

Quality and taste issues: A limiting factor in canned food is the perception of inferior quality and taste compared to fresh or homemade food. Advances in preservation technology have improved the quality and taste of canned goods, but some consumers still prefer the taste and texture of fresh produce. Manufacturers must focus on maintaining product quality, flavor integrity and sensory appeal to win more discerning consumers.

Canned Food Market

Share, by end user, (USD Billion)

Analytica Global 89.04 Billion %



Industrial use

Commercial Use

Other End-Users


108.40 Billion

Total Market Size

USD (Billion),




Key Market Opportunities:

  • Innovative Packaging Solutions
  • Health and Wellness Trends
  • Flavor Innovation and Culinary Trends
  • Convenience and Meal Solutions
  • Snacking and On-the-Go Consumption
  • E-commerce and Direct-to-Consumer Sales
  • Global Expansion and Market Penetration
  • Partnerships and Collaborations

Key Players:

  • Ayam Sarl
  • Bonduelle
  • Campbell Soup Company
  • CHB Group
  • Danish Crown AmbA
  • Del Monte Foods Inc.
  • JBS S.A.
  • Nestlé S.A
  • Princes Foods (Mitsubishi Corporation)
  • Thai Union Group PCL
  • The Bolton Group
  • The Kraft Heinz Company

    Canned Food Market

    Size, by Product, - (USD Billion)


    The Market will Grow

    At the CAGR of:


    The Forecast Market

    Size for in USD:

    $108.40 BillionB


Market Segmentation:

By Type:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Meat and Poultry
  • Seafood
  • Soups and Broths

By Application:

  • Retail
  • Foodservice
  • Industrial use 
  • Commercial Use

By Geography:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa 

Stakeholders in the Cafes and Bar Market can include:

  • Consumers
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers
  • Foodservice Providers
  • Suppliers and Distributors
  • Industry Associations
  • Regulatory Agencies
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

    Canned Food Market TO (USD BN)

    Canned Food Market



    Canned Food Market

    Analytica Global 108.40 Billion%


As we near the end of our journey into the vibrant world of cans, it's clear that this humble pantry has a lot more to offer than meets the eye. From convenience and shelf life to nutritional value and culinary versatility, canned goods have earned their place as a beloved staple in kitchens around the world. Through our research, we discovered countless benefits and possibilities that canned foods bring to the table. We delved into its role as a provider of convenient food solutions for busy households, its contribution to food security and sustainability, and its versatility in culinary creations from classic comfort foods to gourmet dishes. Beyond the practical benefits, there is a deeper truth - the enduring appeal and lasting value of canned goods in our lives. Whether it's a quick and easy weeknight dinner, a nutritious ingredient for a homemade recipe, or a reliable source of food that needs a helping hand, canned goods have always been there to nourish and satisfy. As we reflect on our journey together, let's remember to celebrate the simple pleasures and profound possibilities that canned foods bring to our lives. We appreciate the ingenuity and innovation of the preservation process, which transformed ordinary ingredients into unique culinary creations.

And most importantly, let's embrace the versatility and value of cans as a timeless companion in our culinary adventures, daily meals and shared experiences around the table. Whether you're an experienced cook, a busy parent, or someone just looking for a convenient and delicious meal solution, canned food has something for everyone.


Canned Food Market - Global Outlook & Forecast 2024-2029

Analytica Global
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License Type

Single User

US$ 3350

Multi User

US$ 4950

Corporate User

US$ 6950

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